PIN,PISTON 120130-22301-XW

  • produt Introduction:

    The main function of the Yanmar piston pin is to connect the piston and connecting rod, and transmit the force between them. Specifically, the piston pin connects the piston and connecting rod to transmit the gas force acting on the piston to the connecting rod, while also transmitting the motion of the connecting rod to the piston, thereby ensuring the normal operation of the engine.

  • Modles:
    4TNV94 4TNV98
  • Product Introduction

    The main function of the Yanmar piston pin is to connect the piston and connecting rod, and transmit the force between them. Specifically, the piston pin connects the piston and connecting rod to transmit the gas force acting on the piston to the connecting rod, while also transmitting the motion of the connecting rod to the piston, thereby ensuring the normal operation of the engine.

Purpose for replace/repair
Brand Name Yanmar
Car Model Universal
Product Name PIN,PISTON
Type Auto Parts
Quality High-Quality


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